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Where can I purchase advanced online tickets?You can purchase your tickets through the Dates and Tickets section of our website. Make sure to check the dates and correpsodning times as our operating hours vary. You can also click the link below to head directly to our ticket sales page.
Is this a scary haunted house?Indeed, it is. It is our job to make our haunted houses scary and we take it very seriously. If it wasn't scary, we wouldn't be doing our jobs correctly. We have an incredibly creative crew and a truly "deadicated" cast. We use real props whenever we can and have a professional make-up team that can create walking nightmares. We take this very seriously.
Really? That scary?Well, yes. However, you can purchase a "No Scare" Glowstick add-on for $5 when purchasing your tickets. The glowstick will let our monsters know to take it easy on whoever is holding it. 95% effective. We can't guarantee a completely scare-free experience with this add-on, but we'll do our best.
Is Miss Hazel's affiliated with Parkwil Manor Haunted House?Yes, we are! We are the same people who put on the Coachella Valley's infamous Parkwil Manor haunted house and Sandy's Haunt
Are you looking for scare actors?Indeed, we are! We're always on the "haunt" for new members to add to our cast and crew. We are a 100% volunteer operated haunted house and we all share an obsession with Halloween and scary things. Sound like you? Please get in contact with us and provide us with your name, age, experience and availability. Must be 16+ years old to act. No experience necessary, we will train you. This is a fun place to work and an incredible way to build experience. We are one big scary family.
Can I get a refund if I cannot make it through the haunted house?No. Once you have purchased your ticket and entered MISS HAZEL'S HAUNT FEAR, there will be no refunds given. Sorry scaredy cats! Make sure you want to experience a scary haunted house before you make your purchase. We promise we do not bite!
Do I really need a VIP Fast Pass?We recommend the VIP Fast Pass on our busier nights - generally later in the season as we approach Halloween. If you want to beat the crowds for no extra charge, we suggest coming to our haunt earlier in the month to avoid the "October rush". We WILL get busier as the month goes on.
How can I contact you? I have some questions...Please contact us through our Contact page.
Where are you located?Great question! We are located at the Westfield Palm Desert next to the JC Penney. Our Address: SANDY'S HAUNT 72480 HIGHWAY 111SUITE U398Palm Desert, CA 92260
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